Home Guides & how'to How many nm, which motor for the electric bicycle?

How many nm, which motor for the electric bicycle?

Newton meters, torque capacity and the different types of electric bicycles

by Steven Jay
Published: Last Updated on 5 minutes read

Your bike has an electric motor and battery. We express the battery capacity in Wh. You can read about how to maintain it and when it’s time for a new battery already. In this article, we discuss the motors and how many Newton meters or Nm you need on your electric bike.

The motor of an electric bike in Europe is legally limited to 250 W. Electric motors do have a higher peak power, but because this is a gray area, the peak wattage is not disclosed. However, you can estimate (and compare) the power of the electric bike based on the Newton meters.

This applies to electric bikes up to 25 km/h. That means; cargo bikes, folding bikes, and longtails as well. For speed pedelecs, it’s the opposite. There, the wattage is more important than the Newton meters because the motor is not limited to 250 Watts.


The first question is the type of bike. Are you going for a regular electric bike? Or perhaps a cargo bike so you can also do the shopping? Do you really want a fixed box, or is a Long John cargo bike also an option?

Electric motor for cargo and bakfietsen 75 to 95 Nm torque

Cargo bikes and long John cargo bikes are designed to carry cargo. Children, groceries, the dog, or packages that your business needs to deliver. Therefore, they require more torque. Electric cargo and bakfietsen usually use a powerful cargo motor.

For cargo bikes and cargofietsen, we recommend a torque of 75-85 Nm. This way, you have enough power to get up with a full load. Most of them use such motors, as you can see in our selection of bakfietsen or cargofietsen.

Some models have a motor of 90 or 95 Nm. The most powerful electric motor would even have 100 Newton meters of torque. For a bike that will only ride at 25 km per hour, this seems a bit exaggerated. Again, a lot depends on the weight you want to carry.

Cargo bike for groceries and versatile use

Motor for Longtail Bikes
75 to 85 Nm

Another type of cargo bike that resembles more like a regular electric bike is the electric longtail bike. These are very popular nowadays due to their versatile usage. You can simply ride them, but also transport children, do groceries, or move other cargo.
These longtail bikes also typically have 75 to 85 Nm of power on average. When the bike is fully loaded, you really need a more powerful motor.

Oxford bike electric longtail bike with child seat

Motor for E-Mountainbikes
75 to 95 Nm

Depending on your level, you also need a powerful motor for mountain biking. You go very quickly up and down. This happens very suddenly, so your motor must be perfectly tuned to intervene. The electric motors from Bosch are the best tuned, although you can also opt for the powerful Shimano motors.
An electric mountain bike will especially help you on the steepest slopes. Gaining speed to make that short sprint to the top. These slopes are often very steep, so power is needed.

Motor for mountain bikes

Motor for E-Road Bikes
75 to 85 Nm

Electric road bikes are also becoming popular. As we age, cycling becomes more difficult. Especially steep slopes become a no-go once we lose our shape. With an electric bike, you are supported exactly here. This way you can easily conquer the mountain again.
If you go faster than 25 km/h, which is often the case during road biking, then you have no electric assistance and you are just cycling on your own.

Because we need help at the most difficult moments, especially on very steep sections, a powerful motor is necessary. The sensors of the motor are also very important here. They respond to your speed and power. Poor motors are more like scooters, you just shoot forward.

Types of electric bikes

Regular Electric City Bike
45 to 65 Nm

If it’s not a cargo or cargo bike, then it might be a regular electric bike. These require less power because they only have to take into account the weight of the cyclist. There is no cargo and therefore less need for Newton meters.
For such bikes, you usually have enough with 45 to 50 Nm. If you live all the way up the mountain, and you prefer some extra power, you can opt for a model with 65 Nm. Especially for older people, this is useful because you still have to pedal yourself. A bit of extra power is welcome then.

There are various brands of electric motors and batteries. Not only the specifications and power are important. Also, the software, sensors, and tuning are crucial. That’s why many people prefer Bosch motors. They currently perform the best and also have the best electric motors and batteries.

It’s also important to properly maintain your battery. The battery and the motor work like a tandem, one cannot do without the other.

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1 comment

Most powerful electric motor - All Watts No Gas April 11, 2024 - 2:57 pm

[…] There are also some disadvantages. Powerful motors are often heavier and more expensive than their less powerful counterparts. They require sturdier and more durable materials. It’s also important to consider that while a powerful motor can offer more performance, it’s not always necessary for every rider or every situation. You can read more about Newton Meters and power here. […]


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