Home Guides & how'to What to look for with a second-hand electric bicycle

What to look for with a second-hand electric bicycle

It's just like an e-bike, but already used and with a few kilometers

by Steven Jay
Published: Last Updated on 4 minutes read

An electric bicycle has become increasingly popular in recent years. It’s a sustainable and healthy way to get around. However, electric bikes can also be expensive to purchase. That’s why it can be appealing to look at second-hand electric bikes.

Buying a second-hand electric bike is similar to buying a new one, although there are some additional factors to consider. A second-hand electric bike has been used. Especially the age, usage, and condition of the e-bike are important. The components of a bike do not last forever. Therefore, you should pay close attention to the current condition of the components to determine how long they will last.

In this article, we’ll delve deeper into this topic so that you know how to compare second-hand bikes and what to look out for.

Brand and model: opt for quality

When buying a second-hand electric bike, it’s important to consider the quality of the brand and model. A reputable brand is a better choice for second-hand bikes. Don’t just focus on the brand of the bike, but also consider the quality of components such as the motor and battery. Warranty is available only with refurbished e-bikes or from bike shops.

Our preference is for Bosch or Shimano motors, but Brose, Yamaha, and Bafang are also reliable and have authorized sellers in Belgium that offer repairs. Also, pay attention to the year of release and the technology that comes with it.

In 2020, the 3rd generation Bosch motor was released, and from 2022, it’s the 4th generation, with the latest 2023 models sometimes featuring ABS. Different conditions apply for other brands, so be sure to inquire about this when comparing.

Check brand, model, and condition of the second-hand electric bike

Number of Kilometers Traveled

The number of kilometers traveled is also important to consider. In relation to the brand and quality of the e-bike, this can provide a good indication of the bike’s condition.

An e-motor from a reputable brand can travel 20,000 to 40,000 km. On average, e-bike owners often ride less than 1500 km per year. Someone with a long commute may ride more than 5000 km per year. Test during the ride if the power is present, if there is a lot of noise from the motor (some noise is normal), and if there is evidence of maintenance.

Battery Condition

The condition of the battery is an important consideration when buying a second-hand electric bike. Pay attention to the brand, capacity, condition, and age of the battery. Buying a second-hand e-bike with a poor battery could be a mistake. A new battery costs several hundred euros (400-750 euros).

An old battery or one with reduced capacity will have a poor range. Test this with a long test ride. Bosch also provides a range calculator. This can be useful for new batteries, but subtract a few percentages for an old battery.

Condition of Brakes and Chain

Also, pay attention to the condition of the brakes and the chain if there is one. Although it is less costly to replace, this can be a good argument during negotiation to lower the price further.

Second-hand bike sometimes comes with accessories already added

Usage and Maintenance

The usage and maintenance of the bike are also important factors to consider. Has the bike been stored outdoors, well maintained, exposed to rain or freezing temperatures? This can affect the condition of the bike. Typically, an electric motor should undergo maintenance every 1500 km. Check if there is evidence of this.


When buying a second-hand electric bike from an individual, there is no warranty. However, there is the option of refurbished bikes from authorized distributors where you get a 1-year warranty. A local bike shop may also sell second-hand bikes with a warranty, so it’s always better to look out for these options. You can also read about this in the article “Where to Buy a Second-hand E-bike“.

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