Home Guides & how'to The different types of cargo bikes

The different types of cargo bikes

The different types of cargo bikes

by Steven Jay
Published: Last Updated on 7 minutes read

What is a Cargo Bike?

Quite simply, a cargo bike is a bicycle (electric or not) used to transport a load. This can include children, groceries, deliveries, and more, as long as it involves transporting cargo.

A cargo bike is sometimes also referred to as a freight bicycle. For very large loads and deliveries, the term light electric freight transport is becoming increasingly common.

Cargo bikes are very popular. There are different types of cargo bikes, but because they are still relatively new, there is some uncertainty. And yes, a cargo bike with a box on the front is also considered a cargo bike.

Speed Pedelec Cargo Bikes

A speed pedelec is not a type of cargo bike, but rather an option that exists within the various types of cargo bikes. The pedelec features a powerful motor and provides assistance up to 45 km/h. There are indeed cargo bikes that can travel at such speeds.
For speed pedelecs, different regulations apply. For example, if you’re under 16, you need a moped license (AM), while those over 18 can use an A or B driver’s license. Wearing a helmet is also mandatory.

Additionally, you’ll need a Certificate of Conformity. On the road, the pedelec is equivalent to a moped, with the difference being that you have to pedal along. You can read more about the traffic regulations for speed pedelecs here.

Keep in mind, if you opt for a speed pedelec cargo bike, you should know that you’re not allowed to transport children under 3 years of age. Children between 3 and 8 years old can be transported, but safety regulations still apply.

Cargo Bikes for Everyday Use

Cargo bikes are interesting for everyone; whether it’s grocery shopping, transporting children, using a cargo bike to take the dog along, and more. They can be used in many ways.
For short distances, they are a good alternative to cars. They may not completely replace cars but are a good option if you don’t want to buy a second car.


The Netherlands is a land of innovation and bicycles. Urban Arrow introduced a special bike to the market over 10 years ago. It already existed, but this newly invented cargo bike had electric assistance. With the large box, you could transport a lot of volume, and the electric assistance made it easy to transport heavier weights.

What is a Bakfiets?

It’s simple; it’s a cargo bike with a box (usually) at the front of the bike. They ride like a normal bike, although you have to take into account the extra length. Steering used to be a bit stiff and difficult, but with current technological advancements, riding a Bakfiets has become very easy.

Bakfiets with Two Wheels

The typical Bakfiets uses two wheels. The box is elongated and extends from the handlebars to the front wheel. These are narrow Bakfietsen, and the box is usually not (much) wider than the handlebars. This way, you also feel much better where you can and cannot go.In English, these bikes are also called Long Johns (without the box) or Box Bikes.

Bakfiets with Three Wheels

For more weight and stability, you can also opt for a Bakfiets with three wheels. These Bakfietsen usually have a less long but wider box. Because they are wider, you cannot maneuver as well. Note that Bakfietsen wider than one meter are not allowed on the bike path and are limited to the public road.

Belgian bike paths are not designed for this.For businesses, a tricycle is handy because you can transport more volume. We see it more often in the city; an ice cream vendor or hot dog stand from the Bakfiets. This allows you to go to many busy places where a delivery van is not allowed.

We have compared more than 20 Bakfietsen and made a selection of the 12 best Bakfietsen. For every situation and suitable model. You can read our findings here.

Different types of cargo bikes for businesses

Long Johns – Cargo Bike with Load Platform

The Long John is a term that we do not know well. This refers to a cargo bike without a box, a cargo bike with a load platform. With this design, you keep the loading area open for various types of loads. Remember that you must not exceed 1 meter width when loaded, otherwise, you need to leave the bike lane. This is the most popular type of cargo bike next to the Bakfiets.

For individuals, the Bakfiets is often the best choice. For companies, however, the Long John is more interesting.

If you prefer a box, simply mount it.
There is quite a variety, a cargo bike for every situation. Companies also have many attractive models (and subsidies!).

Which cargo bike to choose

Longtail Bike

What is a longtail bike? It’s simply a bicycle with an elongated rear section, known as ‘a long tail’. The extended cargo rack provides space for additional cargo. They may look a bit unusual and can be more challenging to ride. Especially with a heavy load, maintaining balance can be more difficult.

Small Electric Longtail Bike

To enhance balance and stability, we turn to the new generation of longtail bikes. These compact longtail bikes feature a streamlined design. Lowering the center of gravity improves balance. Recently, some brands have introduced foldable longtail models. Electric longtail bikes have become increasingly popular as a car alternative. On the extended cargo rack, you can fit one to two child seats. We searched for the best models available for online purchase.

Cargo bikes for businesses and deliveries

Cargo Bikes for Businesses and Deliveries

For businesses, there are numerous benefits to E-cargo bikes. Consumers seek companies that go the extra mile for sustainable solutions. Electric cargo bikes have very low emissions compared to the thousands of delivery vans that descend on our cities daily. Transport bikes for businesses are primarily used for deliveries in cities. A cargo bike (less than 1 meter wide) is treated like a regular bike and can be used on bike paths, one-way streets, and public roads. This reduces distance, speeds up deliveries, minimizes traffic congestion, and lowers pollution.

Cargo Bike – Front Load (Long John with or without Box)

Cargo bikes for businesses typically come in the form of a Long John or a box bike. They are easy to ride, aesthetically pleasing, and can handle significant weight and volume. These bikes are also useful as trailers for tasks like ice cream vending, small deliveries, promotional teams, etc. This is similar to the above Long Johns, but for businesses, there are additional options available. You can opt for an extra-large loading area or a three-wheeler with extreme carrying capacity. This could potentially be the future of urban freight transport.

Carrier or Transport Bike – Rear Load

Having cargo in front on a transport bike is popular and convenient but can be very heavy with substantial weight. Maintaining balance becomes challenging, making the choice of three wheels logical. Three-wheelers handle differently. It takes some getting used to unless you are pulling the load from behind. This type of three-wheeler cargo bike rides like a regular bike, although starting with heavy weight may require some adjustment.

Light Electric Freight Transport

The scientific or legal term for these transport bikes is light electric freight transport. Currently sounding somewhat absurd, until we see the first small electric delivery vans on our roads. These electric cargo bikes represent an initial version of the future

Electric cargo bikes for businesses

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[…] there are increasingly different types of cargo bikes, we try to make our comparisons as detailed as possible. We also compare electric longtails or […]


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