Home Types of ebike The different types of electric bicycles

The different types of electric bicycles

Urban city bikes, to foldable e-bikes, to heavy duty cargo bikes to transport kids

by Steven Jay
Published: Last Updated on 15 minutes read

A new bike is a new chapter in your life. Whether you buy it as a hobby, for sports, or as a replacement for the car, it remains an important decision. Especially for electric bikes, you can quickly end up paying the price of a small used car. Consider why, compare enough, take some test rides, and choose the right electric bike for your needs. Also, consider buying second-hand e-bikes to reduce the cost.

Especially now, with high fuel prices, more infrastructure for cyclists, and the demand for more environmentally friendly transportation. An electric bike is the right choice. Now you just need to know which electric bike to choose. In this article, we’ll go over the different types of electric bikes, from a long cargo bike to a mini e-bike.

what types of electric bicycles are there

What Types of E-Bikes Can You Choose From?

City Bikes: All ‘normal’ bikes like touring bikes, SUVs, but also typical bike designs fall under the category of electric city bikes.
Folding Bikes: Perfect for commuting, with a folding bike you can take the train or bus. You can also combine it with transportation. Drive to the edge of the city, take your bike with you in the car, and then bike into the city. Also known as folding bikes in Flemish. Because they also exist electrically nowadays, it’s extra attractive for transportation.

E-Road Bikes: Flanders’ favorite sport, we all want to be a real racer at some point. Even at a later age, cycling up the Mont Ventoux remains a beautiful adventure, and with an electric road bike, this is possible for more people.

They are lightweight with a curved handlebar, thin tires, and an aerodynamic design. In addition, they have strong electric support. As a result, they are kilos heavier than non-electric models.

E-Mountain Bikes: Very robust with wide tires, excellent brakes, and perfect suspension. Mountain bikes should be able to handle everything. They are suitable for all types of terrain, including off-road and especially in forests or fields. With a powerful electric motor, you can overcome a lot of difficult terrain. Especially those small steep hills become easier.

E-Gravel Bikes: They resemble road bikes but are designed for rougher terrain. With a gravel bike, you can ride on and off the road. You adjust the bike and tires to the surface; they are very versatile. Within gravel, you have cyclocross, gravel bikes, and the bikepacking hype.

E-Cargo Bikes: Also known as freight or transport bikes. Cargo bikes are very popular nowadays, with electric cargo bikes being highly sought after by families. They can also be useful for businesses, with longtail cargo bikes or Light Electric Vehicles being used for city deliveries.

We already cover all types of electric cargo bikes, from longtail bikes to box bikes.

Fat Bikes: A special type of electric bike. Very distinctive but not always practical. Fat bikes are bulky bikes, with extra-wide and large tires, useful for difficult terrain such as sand, snow, or mud. For now, people mainly buy them because they look ‘in’ and ‘cool’. We often see them cruising through the city.

Tandem Bikes: The tandem is back, and it’s getting even better, as electric tandem bikes are gradually hitting the market. A tandem is a bike for two (or more) people. Due to the extra weight and length, there is a need for an extra sturdy frame. All this weight is then conveniently supported by an electric motor. Thus, the tandem bike is becoming popular again, albeit in the electric version.

BMX Bikes: You know them, small bikes with a special design. You sit very low and often stand upright on the bike. BMX bikes are used for jumps and tricks, not for long distances. Electric BMX bikes are not really available yet, although we see some brands releasing their first models here and there.

Recumbent Bikes: This type of electric bike speaks for itself. We don’t see recumbent bikes often, but we’re all familiar with them. Cycling while lying down, there’s not much more to it. The bike has a special design, and we all wonder how difficult it is. Stopping at a red light, especially, seems challenging, not to mention starting again.

electric folding bike for train

Electric Folding Bikes

What is an e-folding bike?

As described above, a folding bike is a compact bicycle that can be folded at one or multiple points. Lightweight, compact, and easy to carry. Additionally, ride comfort and safety are important. Small tires tend to skid quickly, so a low center of gravity is recommended.
Now that they also exist in electric form, they are even more attractive. Easy in the city. Easy through traffic. They usually weigh between 15 and 22 kg. Especially the battery and motor add extra weight.

How much does an electric folding bike cost?

Because they can fold, the frame is fragile. They therefore need to invest extra in build quality. This makes folding bikes slightly more expensive than small compact city bikes. In addition, there is the cost of the electric motor, which varies from brand to brand. For a good electric folding bike, you can easily expect to pay between 2500 and 3500 euros.
Much depends on the model, brand, and motor. Prices vary greatly. You can find cheap e-folding bikes for 1500 euros, but the top segment is quickly worth 4000 euros.

We recently compared all electric folding bikes available for purchase online in Belgium. You can find our selection with explanations here.

What is an electric racing bicycle

Electric Road Bikes

What is an electric road bike?

An electric road bike is a road bike with electric assistance. Designed to reach high speeds with a curved handlebar, narrow aerodynamic frame, and thin tires. Also important are strong brakes and sufficient gears for every climb or descent.
A few kilograms heavier, but you have an electric motor and battery. If your speed drops below 25 km/h, you can rely on electric assistance. Handy for keeping up with the group when you’re out of shape, or for cycling up the mountain with your son when you’re a bit older.

With an electric road bike, almost anyone can go on a cycling holiday. Suddenly, cycling becomes possible for everyone. Of course, avid cyclists won’t appreciate it if you pass them with electric assistance.

What types of e-road bikes can you choose from?

Aerodynamic: As sharp as possible, minimizing wind resistance. These e-road bikes resemble time trial bikes. They are very slim and have a special design to guide the wind as effectively as possible. Don’t buy these for riding hundreds of kilometers, as the aggressive riding position compromises comfort.
Endurance: The typical road bike, suitable for long rides and spending multiple days on the bike. These bikes offer a good mix of sportiness and comfort. They are fast, but you can ride them for long periods comfortably. Most electric road bikes have this design.

Touring: Slightly wider and longer, slightly less sporty. A touring bike is essentially a regular bike with many road bike aspects. They are versatile and more suitable for daily use. You can even buy them with luggage racks or mount panniers on them.

How much does an electric road bike cost?

An e-road bike typically costs around 3000 euros. Much depends on the model, the electric motor, and the battery. If you opt for high quality, you’re looking at around 4000 euros or more. There are also cheaper electric road bikes available. You can find some basic models for around 1500 euros.

What is an e-mountainbike

Electric Mountain Bikes

What is an e-MTB?

An electric mountain bike is robust, wider, and intended to have grip on all kinds of terrain. Maintaining control is more important than speed, although speed adds to the thrill. Mountain biking is about adrenaline and control. The terrain, elevation, and speed constantly change. After a deep rut, a steep muddy slope suddenly appears.
With an e-MTB, you have a powerful electric motor that assists you in these moments. Quality and power are crucial here. The motor must respond perfectly to your pedaling.

In addition to wide mud tires, you also need strong brakes. Without perfect suspension, it’s best not to attempt it.

How much does an electric mountain bike cost?

Electric mountain bikes range in price from 2500 to 7500 euros. However, there are some cheaper models available for around 1500 euros.
An electric mountain bike requires a perfectly tuned motor. Currently, there are few brands that have sufficient control over their electric power output. A Bosch motor seems like the logical choice. This also means you’ll pay more for it.

What is an e-gravelbike

E-Gravel Bike

What is an electric gravel bike?

An e-gravel bike is a sporty bicycle designed for versatile terrains. Long bike rides on public roads, paths, fields, and moreโ€”a gravel bike can handle a lot. They have a curved handlebar and a design reminiscent of a road bike with thicker tires.
You also sit more upright, providing greater riding comfort. Strong brakes and enough gears for climbing or speed during descents. Occasionally, you might find suspension for rough terrain.

An electric gravel bike offers e-assistance. The motor and battery make the bike heavier but provide assistance below 25 km/h. This shouldn’t happen too often; on average, you ride faster than 25 km/h. However, this assistance can be helpful, especially during climbs.

How much does an e-gravel bike cost?

For a good gravel bike, you can expect to pay around 1000 euros. An electric gravel bike costs more, with models featuring a Bosch motor costing over 2500 euros. There are cheaper models with Bafang or unbranded motors, which can be found for around 1500 euros.

Belgian legislation and road code for electric cargo bikes


What is an e-cargo bike?

Electric cargobikes, also known as freight or transport bikes, are bicycles designed to transport goods from point A to point B. They offer a convenient alternative to cars, especially for short distances with heavy traffic. However, they are not necessarily intended to replace cars completely. They complement car usage well, especially for businesses making deliveries in urban areas.

What types of cargobikes are there?

There are quite a few different types of cargobikes. The term “cargobike” is broad but is often used to describe a Long John or box bike.
The box bike is particularly popular among individuals and families. It can be used for grocery shopping, transporting children, or bringing pets along. Check out our selection of the best electric box bikes.

You can also read about our selection of Long John cargobikes. Long Johns are box bikes without the box. They feature an open cargo area that you can customize to your needs.

Longtail bikes are also very popular. They resemble regular bikes but have an extended cargo rack for extra storage. Additionally, you can usually carry up to 25 kg in the front.

For businesses, the term Light Electric Vehicles (LEV) is commonly used. These LEVs will be crucial for deliveries in cities as urban areas become less car-friendly, and with all the one-way streets, there are still advantages to using cargobikes.

Discover even more/less popular cargobikes in the complete overview of all types of cargobikes.

What is a fatbike with thick tires

Electric Fat Bikes

What is it?

A fat bike comes in all shapes and sizes. It’s not really a type of bike but more of a tire style. Fat bikes are characterized by their notably wide tires, typically ranging from 9 to 12.5 cm in width. You see them everywhere, even in the city, but they are actually designed for challenging terrains like sand, snow, or mud, where extra traction is needed.
Electric fat bikes are currently ‘in’ mainly because of their rugged appearance, not necessarily because of snowy conditions. They are most commonly found in a compact bike format, making the wide tires even more noticeable. You can also find them in mountain bike or beach cruiser styles.

You can find our selection of the best fat bikes here.

Can you put fat bike tires on any bike?

No, the bike must be specifically designed for them. That’s why it’s actually a type of bike and not just about the tires. However, they also fall under other categories such as mountain bikes, cruisers, or chopper bikes.

How much does an electric fat bike cost?

Currently, the fat bike is more of a gimmick than a fully-fledged bike. Don’t get it wrong, there are plenty of fully functional fat bikes. However, design is often more important here than quality or ride comfort. You can find them in all price ranges, from 1000 euros to 9000 euros.

Some electric fat bikes resemble the small electric siblings of rugged mopeds. The only difference from an electric scooter is that they still have pedals.

What is an electric tandem bicycle

Electric Tandem

What is it?

We’re all familiar with the old-fashioned tandem bike. A tandem bike is a bicycle designed for two (or more) riders, with one sitting behind the other. Tandem bikes typically have only two wheels, although models for four, five, or even six riders exist.

While riding a tandem bike can be challenging at times, nowadays we can also find electric tandem bikes. These bikes are equipped with an electric motor that provides assistance up to 25 km/h, making cycling much easier.

How much does an e-tandem bike cost?

Tandem bikes are special. They need to be very sturdy to support the weight of multiple riders. Additionally, because they have only two wheels, the frame needs to be exceptionally strong. Furthermore, electric models are much more expensive than regular tandem bikes.

If you’re looking to buy an electric tandem bike, you can expect to pay anywhere from 2000 to 5000 euros. The price varies depending on factors such as quality, the electric motor, and the number of riders.

What is an electric BMX


What is it?

An electric BMX is a BMX bike equipped with an electric motor. BMX stands for Bicycle MotorCross, and these bikes are designed for jumping and performing tricks. Currently, it’s somewhat of a challenge to find the right electric application for these bikes, as they don’t necessarily require electric assistance.

Electric BMX bikes somewhat overlap with the popular fat bikes. It’s essential to distinguish between the two and ensure you’re purchasing a BMX rather than a fat bike. A BMX is extra sturdy and built to withstand shocks, whereas a fat bike is more like a small bike with thick wheels. It’s best to keep both wheels of a BMX on the ground.

How much does an electric BMX cost?

BMX bikes are available in various price ranges. You can find a reasonably good model for around 200 euros. There are also many options available in the second-hand market. However, electric bikes are much more expensive. You can expect to pay an additional 1000 to 1500 euros for the battery and motor.

what is an electric recumbent bike

Electric Recumbent Bike

What is it

Recumbent bikes were popular for a while before they disappeared from the scene. It’s self-explanatory: with a recumbent bike, you lie on your bike. You’re in a different position, and the bike looks completely different too.

With a recumbent bike, you enjoy a better ergonomic posture. You’re also more aerodynamic, resulting in less resistance during your bike ride. The closer to the ground, the faster you seem to go. For some, this is an additional advantage.

What does an e-recumbent bike cost

Electric recumbent bikes are still relatively new and cost more than traditional electric bikes. The average purchase price for an electric recumbent bike is around 4500 euros, although you can already find models for 2500 euros.

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