Home New models Bicicapace: Minimalist longtails

Bicicapace: Minimalist longtails

Especially their range of non-electric longtail bikes and front loaders is unique

by Steven Jay
Published: Last Updated on 2 minutes read

During our visit to Velofollies 2024, we were drawn to the booth of Bicicapace, a brand steadily solidifying its position in the European bicycle market.

The Italian brand, originally known for its non-electric longtail bikes, has recently taken an interesting turn by adding electric models to their lineup.

Minimalist and Functional Design

What immediately catches the eye with Bicicapace is the minimalist design. The bikes feature lightweight and simplistic frames that make them not only aesthetically appealing but also practical to use. This design ethos appeals to both budget-conscious buyers and enthusiasts of sleek design.

Electric longtail bike from Bicicapace

The Bicicapace JustLong – A Special Model

An eye-catching addition to their lineup is the Bicicapace JustLong, better known as the twin bike. This bike is uniquely designed to safely and comfortably transport two children. With two seats at the back and a low center of gravity for added stability, this bike provides a safe and practical solution for parents.

The addition of a front carrier, capable of carrying up to 15 kilograms, underscores the functionality of the JustLong. The maneuverability, thanks to the two small 20-inch wheels, makes this bike an excellent choice for urban use.

Non-electric longtail from Bicicapace

Electric and Non-Electric Longtails

In addition to the innovative JustLong, Bicicapace continues to offer its traditional non-electric longtail bikes. This move towards electric models, such as the Bicicapace E-Justlong Bosch, demonstrates their commitment to providing options for every type of cyclist.

The E-Justlong Bosch, with its powerful Bosch Cargo Line motor and a 500 Wh battery, offers a comfortable ride with a maximum speed of 25 km/h and an impressive carrying capacity of up to 190 kg​​.

Front-load non-electric longtail bike with mountain bike tires

Suitable for Personal and Business Use

Bicicapace distinguishes itself not only by offering options for individuals but also for business use. Their models, such as the JustLong, are also ideal for commercial purposes. The long back of the bike allows for easy transportation of goods or even special ‘Rear baskets’ that can carry up to 65 kilograms. This makes the JustLong a versatile bike that holds its own both in the urban landscape and in the business market​​.

We will contact them and hopefully conduct some tests. Sign up for our newsletter to stay updated on this brand.

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