Home Opinion box The 6 biggest advantages of cargo bikes

The 6 biggest advantages of cargo bikes

With an electric cargo bike you simply do the right thing. Faster, more fun and less expensive

by Steven Jay
Published: Last Updated on 5 minutes read

Bakfietsen are cargo bikes. The bakfiets is a Long John design with a cargo box. They are popular and understandably so, as they offer many advantages. Nowadays, bakfietsen and other cargo bikes are the best alternatives to cars.

In this article, we list all the advantages of the electric bakfiets. Remember that there are different laws and regulations for electric bakfietsen.

Rules and obligations for cargo bikes in Belgium

Convenient Cargo for Families, Individuals, Businesses, or Pets

Cargo bikes, or more specifically electric bakfietsen, are very popular nowadays. They are a perfect solution for (short) everyday journeys. With the emphasis on pollution and soaring gasoline prices, they are becoming more and more the perfect alternative to cars. Additionally, they offer many benefits for various situations:

  • Versatile use, alternative to the car
  • You pollute less
  • It costs less in gasoline or energy
  • You exercise and move, even with electric assistance
  • Sometimes, especially in cities, especially during rush hour, you arrive at your destination faster
  • Easier route
The benefits of the electric cargo bike

Versatile Use

A cargo bike is more than just a bike; it can do much more than just cycling. The bike is less for cycling and more for transporting cargo. That’s why cargo bikes fall under the category of cargofietsen.

Groceries, children, the dog, the soccer bag, or a mix of everything. The cargo bike is popular for its versatile use. Research shows that up to 80% of all private transport can be replaced with a cargo bike. Now that you can take all your belongings with you, it truly becomes an alternative to the car.

Cargo bike cheaper in consumption

Less Pollution and Expenses, in Purchase and Consumption

It goes without saying that if you don’t use a car, you pollute less. No gasoline is better for our air, but also for the wallet. Of course, electricity also costs money and contributes to pollution. However, this is lower than burning fuel.

If you have solar panels or generate your own electricity, then charging becomes even cheaper.

This also applies to electric cars, although the purchase price is much higher. An electric cargo bike is a cheap alternative to the car. Although, of course, it’s less enjoyable in heavy rain.

Sports and Exercise

Sitting all the time is not good. More movement is almost always beneficial.

Often, we don’t have time to exercise. But if movement becomes part of your daily routine, then maybe it doesn’t need to be. Moreover, cycling is an excellent form of exercise.

Urban Arrow electric cargo bike in Brussels

Shorter Route, Faster to Your Destination

Outside the city or downtown, it’s often still manageable, but traffic jams are part of daily life. Cars standing still all around. Congested intersections and driving at a snail’s pace. With a bakfiets, you can usually ride on the bike path. If you’re on the road, you can simply overtake the cars.

In cities, we also see a lot of one-way streets. For cyclists, traffic flows in both directions. This means there are plenty of shortcuts you can take with the electric bakfiets, a big advantage. Also, consider car-free city centers, which remain open to cyclists.

Children Also Benefit from Bakfietsen

Somewhere it sounds logical. A child in a bakfiets sees much more than in a car. The bakfiets is lower, you can see everything. The car is high, and with the high door, you only see the blue sky, gray clouds, and the facades of buildings.
Your perspective is also completely different in a bakfiets. It feels more natural. Unfortunately, it is less safe. Although a world full of bakfietsen seems safer than a world full of cars.

Not only perspective, but also balance plays out as an advantage. Children experience more movement, and their bodies have to react to this. Just like a child learning to ride a bike, you see a lot of progress in their brains.

If we go for a third advantage for children, fun is also a big plus. Children simply find the bakfiets cooler than the car. They see more, sit closer to you. They can enjoy the ride or share their opinion, and especially shout at everything they see.

Of course, you still need to choose a bakfiets that suits your needs. Do you have children? Do you have a dog? Are you going grocery shopping? Is it your only mode of transportation, or rather a replacement for a second car? The routes you take and your cargo are also important considerations.

The search for the right electric bakfiets begins by answering these questions. You can read our comparison of the best bakfietsen here.

If you’re still unsure about a cargo bed or a true bak, you can also keep an eye on the available Long John cargofietsen. Sometimes, they are a very worthy and versatile alternative.

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