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How fast do you drive (on average) with the speed pedelec?

It is best not to always drive at the top speed of 45 kilometers per hour

by Dr. Watts'on
4 minutes read

In recent years, the speed pedelec has emerged as a revolutionary player in the world of personal mobility. While the traditional electric bike already gave a significant boost to the concept of ‘cycling’, the speed pedelec takes it to a whole new level with speeds that not only get the urban commuter to their destination faster but also with more enthusiasm.

Top Speed 45 km/h

A standard electric bike, comfortably cruising at about 25 km/h on the bike paths, already offers a considerable improvement over the non-supported bike, allowing users to cover more ground with less effort.

The speed pedelec is entitled to more wattage than electric bike motors, with the potential to reach speeds of up to 45 km/h, radically changing the dynamics of city traffic and personal mobility. You don’t always ride at 45 km/h; this is just the top speed.

Limiting speed of speed pedelec in city traffic

Speed pedelec routes

The allure of the speed pedelec lies in its name: speed.

These bikes offer the promise of significantly reducing the time needed to get from point A to point B, making them an attractive option for commuters looking to escape the daily struggle with traffic jams and public transportation.

But with great speed comes great responsibility. Navigating city streets and bike highways at nearly double the speed of a traditional e-bike places higher demands on the rider’s skills and alertness.

Bike Highways

Imagine: the early morning, when the city slowly awakens and the streets are still largely deserted. Here, the speed pedelec finds its ideal playground, gliding along the river or through parks, where the rider feels the freedom of the open road, the wind brushing through their hair as they effortlessly reach 45 km/h.

This is where the speed pedelec shines, a symbol of efficiency and speed, making the city seem smaller and distances shrink. However, always consider other cyclists; ride at 30 kilometers per hour when passing them.

Speed of speed pedelec on bike highways

In the City

However, in the heart of the city, amidst denser traffic and the maze of pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists, the rider is reminded of the necessity for caution and control. Here, in this urban jungle, the speed pedelec adapts, slowing its pace to a safer 25 to 30 km/h. The rider’s skill in managing this speed, combined with increased awareness of their surroundings, becomes crucial.

Safety First: for All Speeds

The challenge of riding a speed pedelec lies not only in mastering the speed but also in anticipating the reactions of others in traffic.

At higher speeds, bumps and shocks are experienced more intensely, and the time to react to unexpected obstacles becomes shorter. It is therefore essential that both riders and other road users are aware of the unique characteristics of these fast bikes.

Wearing a helmet, using reflective clothing, and equipping the bike with the necessary lighting and signaling are steps that every speed pedelec rider should take to ensure their safety and that of others.

In addition, a thorough knowledge of traffic rules and a continuous assessment of the conditions are indispensable. You also need a valid driver’s license for the speed pedelec.

Our Opinion on Speed on the Speed Pedelec

The speed pedelec is on the verge of a new movement in urban mobility, one that pushes the boundaries of what is possible on two wheels. As we navigate the complexities of integrating these fast bikes into our daily lives and traffic systems, the potential of the speed pedelec as an efficient, environmentally friendly, and enjoyable mode of transportation remains undisputed.

By striking a balance between speed and safety, the speed pedelec can not only transform the way we move but also contribute to a healthier, more connected urban environment.

We cannot emphasize enough the danger at these speeds. Pay close attention. Do not ride too fast where it is not possible. Do not push the speed pedelec further. And opt for quality when purchasing; they lean closer to mopeds than electric bikes when it comes to danger and safety.

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